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Tina Toon So Volunteers on Gunung Merapi

What a tragic event that visits Tina Toon time to volunteer at Gunung Merapi. Refugees who had killed, has visited the hot cloud. The day before the Gunung Merapi volcano erupted again a few days ago, Tina Toon come as volunteers. During a volunteer, Tina Toon will help and entertain the refugees, especially children.

Because to be near the source of the disaster, former child singer was experiencing directly the moments of the eruption of Merapi until claimed the lives of the population.

"When the largest eruption yesterday, I heard a very loud explosion, like a bomb. At that time I think all kinds baseball. I let go and leave everything as is at the Top," she said when met at Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. After the eruption subsides, the team of volunteers to evacuate casualties. At that time, how shocked Tina Toon watched all the refugees who had him killed, has visited the hot cloud.

"I really shudder, shock and surprise really. Thursday afternoon we go to refugees in Sleman Yogyakarta. It posts the most large and many of the children under five. But it turned out they all have baseball there. They died all affected by the eruption of Gunung Merapi," she said while issue tears. (ang/okezone.com)

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