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Olla Ramlan Hoping Can Interview With Barack Obama

Barack Obama scheduled arrival at 16:25 pm arriving in Jakarta, making Olla Ramlan dreaming. She hopes if the president of the United States that could bring good to the nation of Indonesia.

"Thank God, my hope for the best Indonesian citizen, his arrival is a feeling his condolences for what happened here," Olla Ramlan said when met after a host of Strikes, Tuesday (11/09/2010).

In addition, Olla Ramlan who often become Host Strikes hope, if he could interview directly with the number one in the United States. Desire is the mother of a child, because of previous music program that aired every day on RCTI had received homage exclusive interview with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hillary Clinton.

"I wish from Strikes can interview, but how? If you can not, yes it's okay," said Olla Ramlan. Barack Obama arrival has been long awaited by the Indonesian public. Because the President of the United States that the 44th is, once lived and went to Indonesia. (Nov / okezone.com)

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