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Virgin 3 - Child Drama Easy

Virgin again present the latest series titledVirgin 3, the film is in starting early story,Tika, Sherry and daughter only planned to celebrate the Princess last night before his departure to attend school in Melbourne. Top Sherry idea, although they are still a minor,with the help of a photographer Tyo, they finally made it into a very exclusive club. That's where the chaosstarted to happen . Children who have never tried the night life was given a drink, and there are many surprises that await them.

They have to deal with various types of people in the nightlife that seeks to use theirnaivete and innocence. Until the end so the next morning, Earl cs woke up in a hotel in astate of disarray. These kids were panicking, especially those pursued by Allan, a mysterious man who seems desperate not to be able to catch them. Earl himselfrealized when he met with Ben, the famous vocalist on the same night. Sherry woke upin a state of the wounds. Meanwhile, Tika even get up by wearing clothes that are nothers. While the missing Princess kidnapped as they tried to flee from the pursuit ofAllan. What actually happened on that night? Can they find the Princess again before it'stoo late?

This film has been aired starting on March 17, 2011

Cast: Irish Bella, Alex Abbad, Fero Walandouw, Shapira Beautiful. Gege Elisa, YnessaIOA, Gaffar, Raffi Ahmad. Director: Nayato Fio Nuala. Author: Cassandra Massardi.Producer: Chand Parwez Servia Production: Kharisma Servia Plus. Source : Cinema21

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