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Movie Mock Wife-Istri Bohongan

Arya film tells about a young man who wants to go home to her parents at their wedding anniversary with a future wife. But she became confused because his future wife did not meet criteria chill by both parents. Girlfriend is a woman with an established economy. But it was not enough to convince his father and mother. Thus began an adventure in search of a Mock Wife .

Then he was willing to pay in order to accompany his Mock Wife to be present at the event. It was there that the young man's bride will also present and told the story of their true love. And because they feel cheated with his son play for this, his father became angry and disappointed. Lau's what happened with their relationship? whether to continue or whether it should end with the drama that was created by the young man.

For more details you can buy this movie in VCD Orginal, if that would free please watch here Mock Wife

Mock Wife

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