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Film Confession of a Prostitute

The love story was never finished to preserve. Ranging from paintings, photographs, literature, songs, and movies. This time the confession of a prostitute “Pengakuan Seorang Pelacur” tells the love story of human beings caught up in social status. A consultant investment banker, Rahman did not think Andy will meet with a prostitute named Christina.

The meeting occurred while they were sheltering from heavy rain. In a situation trapped in a tense situation with a terrible wind and halalintar, both fill and vent to each other insane with each other. The relationship that began with a match point chance shot to forget the status of each as a consultant banker and a prostitute.

Andy Rahman realize his true status and a privileged position, would be tarnished by its relationship with Christina. Despite the turbulent human instinct and desire to give Christina a chance to repent. In his confession Christina tells her story as a decent human being who ever lived as any other teenager.

Cast:Jenny Cortez, Andi Soraya, Andreano Philip, Kissinger Mae, Kanz Randhawa, Ayu Yohana, Tata Liem

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