Beautiful Career Actress Nana Mirdad
Actress beautiful Natasha Hanna Maria Mirdad or better known as Nana Mirdad, is a female birth Jakarta on March 14, 1985. She is the son of celebrity couple Jamal Mirdad and Lidya Kandow.
At the age of relatively easy actress pretty Nama Mirdad name first played in the soap opera Early Marriage (Pernikahan Dini) with a beautiful singer Agnes Monica in 2006, and now she has a son. And the latest news Nana Mirdad is currently playing in the soap opera that aired by SCTV's "Taxi", which aired every day.
Here's some soap opera he has ever played:
01. Early Marriage
02. I am Arjuna
03. Above You Below I
04. Pendant
05. Sin pursued, and the latter
06. Taxi

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