Small Letters To Go – Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan

Cast: Alex Komang, Dinda Hauw, Esa Sigit, RantyPurnamasari, Dwi Andika, Egi, John Foreisythe, Director : Harris Nizam. Writer : Beby Hasibuan. Genre Film : Drama/family. Producer : Sarjono Sutrisno. Production : Skylar Pictures
Drawn from a true story and the novel the same title, this film tells of Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika or Keke (Dinda Hauw), a 13-year-old teenage girl who is quite fortunate, because it was born from a family of highly located, has two older brothers and parents who doted on her. In addition Keke is also surrounded by six close friends who are always loyal to accompany him and his life even more complete with the presence of a lover who is also very fond of her that is Andy (Esa Sigit)
Everything seemed so perfect. Until then washed over her cancer. Keke is a person with Rhabdomyosarcoma (Cancer Soft Tissue), the first in Indonesia. Pretty girl turned into a "monster" until forced to undergo a series of radiation therapy almost a year and, consequently, all, Keke hair little by little began to fall out, dry skin, and often nausea. Keke and his family perseverance paid off. Keke declared cured and can return to activities as usual.
Unexpectedly, a year later, the cancer returned, more severe and deadly. Aware could not survive, does not make them surrender and lost. His enthusiasm to keep being the best not the leastweakened. Like the star Sirius is still shining brightly despite the sky covered with clouds
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