Cha Cha Frederica Beautiful Girl and Star Movie
Cha Cha soap opera star Frederica was born Dutch and Chinese. Beautiful girl who was born in Jakarta, 8 November 1989, was famous for her role in the soap opera story of Bloody Sunday (Kisah Sedih Dihari Minggu) with Marshanda.
Actress whose real name is Wynne Frederica has starred in dozens of soap operas, and famous with antagonistic roles. In addition to also be advertising stars, including Sharp products, Morin, Hexos, Miwon maskan Komix and seasoning.
Starring famous soap opera that has been a student of Swiss-Germany Univerity (SGU) in BSD Tangerang is majoring in Bussiness Administration, among others Liontin 2, Pangeran Penggoda , Wulan, Penyirih Cinta.
Actress whose real name is Wynne Frederica has starred in dozens of soap operas, and famous with antagonistic roles. In addition to also be advertising stars, including Sharp products, Morin, Hexos, Miwon maskan Komix and seasoning.
Starring famous soap opera that has been a student of Swiss-Germany Univerity (SGU) in BSD Tangerang is majoring in Bussiness Administration, among others Liontin 2, Pangeran Penggoda , Wulan, Penyirih Cinta.

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